
Australpharma News

1st Congress of Diabetes in Angola

1st Congress of Diabetes in Angola

The Angolan Society of Diabetology ( " SAD " ) organized the 1st Congress of Diabetes in Angola that took place on Memorial Dr. Agostinho Neto in Luanda on 7 , 8 and 9 July under the motto " Take action today to improve tomorrow ".

At the event, courses were given in order to educate patients and caregivers, to cope with the disease in order to make an early diagnosis of the disease from health posts and centers. The team Australpharma made ​​sure to attend, and was one of the sponsors of the conference, emphasizing the promotion of Element by testing glycemia levels of the participants during the three days. We obtained a positive response among the guests for the this initiative, as well as the dissemination of solutions for the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diabetes.


